
Showing posts from December, 2010

Natural Sciences deal with matter

Do you feel at peace by a mirror-still lake at dusk? Does the honking of a v-line of geese over a frozen lake put wings on your soul? Does a brilliant sunrise or the sight of the Space Shuttle leaving its earth-pad inspire your heart with hope and energize your spirit? Then a visit through the natural sciences is a hobby you might enjoy and one which may enrich you and help build your understanding of Nature in your life. The Natural Sciences deal with matter, energy and measurable phenomena in the natural world, unlike the applied sciences such as Engineering or Architecture, or the formal studies that include mathematics and Computer Science. In ancient times, Plato and his followers studied Nature and labeled it natural philosophy. As modern times approached, scholars renamed the the field natural science, applying inductive reasoning which is the scientific method that prevails today. Though there is some discussion and difference of opinion as to the exact boundary of the natural ...

Applying Natural Makeup

Natural Makeup Natural makeup is a term used to describe makeup that mimics tones and hues already within one's complexion. A complexion consists of many hues and undertones. The ultimate goal of applying natural makeup is to create harmony with what nature has provided. Often times, natural makeup is confused with no makeup. No makeup just implies a lack of effort and time; natural makeup is actually, just the opposite. It is carefully selected and applied to enhance features so that they appear to have been a genetic gift of beauty. This is not to suggest that natural makeup means spending an outstanding amount of time applying and outstanding amount of makeup. It just means spending quality time applying makeup strategically. Let me explain. To Begin Natural Makeup 1. Always begin with a cleansed, toned, and moisturized face and eye area. Being of mature skin, I use an alpha hydroxy serum for gentle exfoliation and promotion of smoother skin. The serum will help rid the skin of ...

Natural bodybuilding

Natural bodybuilding precision is a technique that is sure to maximize muscle gain in the shortest possible time. Some natural bodybuilders even see the results of steroid users by paying very close attention to their training precision. If you are a natural bodybuilder, and want huge results, now is the time to start paying attention to the word precision. In natural bodybuilding, there leaves very little room for training error. Natural training with precision is crucial for significant muscle achievement. Let's face it, a steroid induced bodybuilder is granted a greater margin of error in training, and nutrition. Steroids aid bodybuilders in recovering faster, and can support longer, more intense bodybuilding training sessions. This enables bodybuilders the liberty to train and eat with less precision, and still reap fantastic muscle development. However, natural bodybuilding athletes must pay very close attention to detail in order to benefit from great muscle building results....

natural environment

Coastal zone is defined as "the coastal waters (including the lands therein and thereunder) and the adjacent shorelands (including the waters therein and thereunder), strongly influenced by each other and in proximity to the shorelines of the several coastal states, and includes islands, transitional and intertidal areas, salt marshes, wetlands, and beaches." Coastal locations were some of the first settled in the country, and have always accounted for a major percentage of the overall population. They were the primary centers for transportation, tourism, recreation, commercial fishing, and other industry. This coastal zone remains a crucial segment of the nation's overall economy. A variety of natural hazards regularly threaten this coastal zone. Severe meteorological events such as hurricanes, tropical cyclones, and nor'easters are particularly harsh on coastal areas, often resulting in damages from high winds, storm surge, flooding, and shoreline erosion. Tsunamis,...

Natural - natural scene

Natural - natural scene, nature's playground such as the beach the mountains, virgin woods and forests, beautiful lakes and so on. It also reminds us of natural substances, smells of flowers, the air just after rain, animals in their natural habitat and so on. When it comes to products, be they for consumption or personal care, we tend to think of 'natural flavours' as opposed to artificial flavouring, natural preservatives versus artificial ones, but what is a natural ingredient and how could we define it better? Here is where things get a little murky because there are many ways we can think of a substance as being natural or not natural. For example, let's use my favourite - Aspirin. The active ingredient in Aspirin tables is Salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is naturally found in the bark of the White Willow tree. Thus, Salicylic acid is a natural substance and if extracted from the bark, rather than recreated synthetically in a laboratory, you could say this is a natu...