intresting news about telescopes

Astronomy for kids can be rewarding, educational and of course fun too. With astronomy software children can take a virtual tour of our galaxy from their computer. For the hands on astronomer there are a number of telescopes for beginners available. From the simple reflecting telescope to the motorized equatorial mount refractor on up to the GOTO computerized telescope that will automatically point to any object in the night sky simply by entering information in the hand held computer keyboard.

Any parent's job is to encourage children to want to learn. Who among us can look at the star filled heavens in amazement and not be filled with questions. School does not have to be boring when the whole universe can be a classroom. Take advantage of any interest your children show in star gazing and turn it into a life long educational pursuit. Who knows where it may lead too. For all you know your child may have the next Galileo or the astronaut that will colonize mars.

But before we get that far let us discuss how to nurture your budding astronomer. A simple image search on any search engine will bring up breath taking pictures of deep space objects like nebulas, galaxies and star clusters. Showing kids what's out there can spur their imagination. Telescopes backyard astronomers commonly use will not produce fantastic images like the Hubble telescope brings back, but will more than satisfy their desires to capture pictures worth saving.

A good way to introduce kids to astronomy is by checking out your local astronomy club. Children can take advantage of years of experience other club members have and are all to willing to share with beginners. Ask when their next star party is and plan on attending. this is an excellent way for the whole family to get involved in the new hobby.

At the star party you will see different telescopes in action. If you have not already purchased you kids telescope here is an opportunity to see them in action. Each club member will have set up their telescopes and will jump at the chance to show it off. That way you can compare and find the one that is right for your child. Club members may have used telescopes they are willing to part with for the right price.


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